November promises to be an exciting month at Katonah Presbyterian. How fitting, as we celebrate our 150th anniversary as a congregation, that our church should be humming with activity and big plans for the future! I hope you will make every effort to be a part of it.
The first Sunday of November, the 6th, we are marking All Saints’ Sunday during worship. As we celebrate communion, we will be remembering members and other loved ones who have passed to the Church Triumphant during the past three years. (This longer-than-usual lookback reflects the fact that COVID precluded us from conducting similar remembrances during 2020 and 2021.) This memorial is always poignant and meaningful. Following the worship service, we will remain in the sanctuary for a brief Congregational Meeting to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee that will search for KPC’s next installed pastor. Sunday, November 13 marks the conclusion of our 1872 COMMUNITY FOOD DRIVE. We are looking to collect 1,872 individual, nonperishable food items for the Community Center of Northern Westchester in celebration of KPC’s 150th Anniversary. Drop boxes are located on the front porch of the KPC Church House and outside the sanctuary. If you haven’t already done so, please help us reach our goal! I am also inviting anyone who may have an interest in becoming a member of KPC to meet with me and representatives of the Membership Committee that day after church in the Katonah Room. Sunday, November 20 is the day we celebrate our 150th Anniversary over a meal together in the fellowship hall following a worship service incorporating special music. The committee organizing this event is expecting some guests and proclamations from the larger community to mark this milestone in our common life. It will be a wonderful opportunity to share fellowship and look forward together to our next 150 years. And then, Sunday, November 27 marks the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new liturgical year. See you in church! Lindley
