Make God’s Love Visible
Giving financially in support of the ministries and missions of the church is an important way to Make God’s Love Visible in our church, our community, our world.
KPC has always been a church dedicated to investing all that we have: our time, our treasures, and our talents. It is this dedication that has allowed us to stay a strong and vibrant church offering a practical and lasting impact on those in need.
You can give your gift safely and securely online.
Click HERE for the Annual Pledge Form
Click HERE for the Capital Campaign Form
Ways to Give
In Worship
Join us Sunday Morning and place your check or cash in the offering plate during any worship services. For convenience, offering envelopes are available in the pew racks.
By Mail
Offerings may be sent to Katonah Presbyterian Church through the mail to: 31 Bedford Rd, Katonah, NY 10536

*Contact your banking institution for instructions on how to set up an e-check.