Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit
2025 Programs
JANUARY 23 - Luncheon in KPC Fellowship Hall. 12 to 2 p.m. Program: Allison Chernow will speak about
Rehabilitation Through the Arts.
FEBRUARY 26 – Book Discussion, 7 p.m. Fellowship Hall or Zoom, The Island of Missing Trees by Elif
MARCH 5 – PW Hudson River Presbytery Ash Wednesday Retreat, details TBA.
April 10 THURS. – Assemble Easter baskets for institutionalized patients and Hygiene Kits for Church
World Service and write letters to our sponsored children. 10:00 am in KPC Fellowship Hall. Lunch to
APRIL 26 to May 3 – Rummage set up and Sale.
MAY 28, WED – Spring Dinner, 5:30 to 8:00 pm in KPC Fellowship Hall. Entertainment to follow.
JUNE 19, THURS – Picnic, Noon to 2:00 pm. Bring a salad or dessert. Place TBD.
AUGUST 21, THURS -- Brunch at Martha Wallace’s home. 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. Bring a favorite food to
SEPTEMBER 18 THURS – Luncheon in KPC Fellowship Hall. 12 to 2 p.m. Program: The Trevor
OCTOBER 22, WED – Book Discussion, 7 p.m. Fellowship Hall or Zoom. Book TBD.
NOVEMBER 20, THURS– Luncheon in KPC Fellowship Hall. 12 to 2 p.m. Program: Hudson Valley
Honor Flight.
DECEMBER 3, WED – Christmas Dinner. 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm in KPC Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish to
share. Entertainment to follow.

Supporting the Church
We commit to supporting the mission of the church worldwide.

Working for Justice
We commit to working for justice and peace in our community and worldwide.

Building Community
We commit to being an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
About Us
The Presbyterian Women of Katonah have a long history of activity in the life of this church. Monthly programs vary as to time and topic, but each one is designed to promote fellowship, learning, and/or mission.
All women of the church and their friends are invited to take part in all events/study groups.
Upcoming Events
- Wed, Feb 26KatonahStart reading this wonderful and informative book and then join us in Fellowship Hall or on Zoom for discussion and fellowship.
- Thu, Jan 23KatonahPlease join us in a potluck lunch and listen to Allison Chernow, RTA Board member, speak about Rehabilitation Through the Arts.
- Tue, Dec 24KatonahJoin us for a candlelight service handbells and beautiful music.
- Sat, Dec 21KatonahThe holiday season is often filled with joy, celebration, and togetherness, but for many, it can also be a time of loneliness, or grief. Whether you're experiencing the loss of a loved one, navigating difficult circumstances, or simply feeling overwhelmed, join us for a Blue Christmas Service.
- Sun, Dec 15KatonahWorship with us, and join the shepherds, sages, animals and angels!
- Thu, Nov 21KatonahJoin us for food, fellowship and learning.
- Wed, Oct 23KatonahGet a head start on reading October's book selection!
- Sat, Oct 19MillbrookPlease join us for a beautiful afternoon of fine food, exercise, fellowship and communion with Nature
- Sun, Sep 29Katonah Presbyterian ChurchThe Spierling Concert on Sunday, will feature Rich Dashnaw and The Transformation Bluegrass Band.
News from Presbyterian Women