What a blessing and a joy it is to begin to see children back in the Sanctuary and attending church school. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend! Here’s a snapshot of a typical Church School Sunday!
The children are dismissed before the first lesson when you hear Grace play “traveling music” and will join the Teacher and Teaching Assistants in Fellowship Hall for the Gathering time. We check-in for the week, participate in the children’s version of the Doxology and Blessing and recite the Lord’s Prayer, followed by a bible story lesson and fun activity or craft. Parents, please pick up your child(ren) in Fellowship Hall or the Elementary classroom at the base of the stairs (one flight down from the Sanctuary)
Children will re-join their families in the sanctuary to receive Communion on the first Sunday of each month. Once a month, there will be a children’s lesson in the Sanctuary.
If you have any questions, please contact Christian Education Elders, Susan Polos (suz.polos@gmail.com) or Debra Lang (debralang18@gmail.com)
Please mark your calendars for these dates from October through December!
Celebrate KPC CE Teachers and Teaching Assistants Over the Years
What Does KPC Christian Education Mean to You?
After worship – come to Fellowship Hall for an Inter-Generational hands-on Service Activity Project - Prepare Compassion Kits to benefit women at Bedford Hills & Taconic Correctional Facilities.
The HS Youth Group is going on a Midnight Run!
Your help is needed to prepare bags of toiletries and packages of socks, T-shirts, and underwear.
Join us in Fellowship Hall after worship for this church family-wide hands-on service activity!
The First Sunday in Advent - Family Advent Wreath Making in Fellowship Hall after worship!
DECEMBER 4th and 11th
Christmas Pageant Preparation – Rehearsal and Costuming!
Annual Christmas Pageant followed by the potluck Red/Green Luncheon in Fellowship Hall