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From the Pastor'sDesk: Jan 2023

Dear Members and Friends,

Happy New Year, Katonah Presbyterian Church! We had a joyous Christmas at KPC. Despite the frigid weather and the finicky sanctuary boiler that nearly left us with no heat, many members and friends attended our Christmas Eve services at 5:00 and 9:00 p.m., while others participated online. Our choir and bellringers outdid themselves. Everyone agreed it was good to be able to worship together in person once more, after the long COVID hiatus. My Christmas week was also greatly enhanced by the lively Christmas pageant presented by our children and youth on December 18, the Red and Green luncheon which followed, and the marvelous benefit concert by the Katonah Celebration Ringers later that afternoon.

The new year promises to be an eventful one at KPC. The Pastor Nominating Committee is hard at work and expects to present its Ministry Information Form (which describes the pastoral position and will be used to solicit candidates for it) for approval by the Session and Presbytery Committee on Ministry this month. Then will begin the careful work of encouraging applicants, reviewing their sermon and worship videos, and scheduling initial Zoom interviews with the most promising candidates. We appear to be on track to call a new, installed pastor by mid-year.

Our new officer classes begin their service this month. The Session will spend Saturday morning, January 14 getting to know one another better, reviewing 2022 results, planning the 2023 event calendar, and establishing goals and objectives for our ministry. The Board of Deacons will also be getting reorganized with its newest members so as not to miss a beat in its care for the congregation.

I begin the year with a profound sense of gratitude for the chance to share this with you in ministry. And I offer my sincere thanks to all who helped make the Advent/Christmas season at KPC so reflective of the love of God which we celebrate.


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