Dear Friends,
The first Sunday of Advent always seems to take me by surprise. TV commercials are already well into their holiday ads, but it feels hollow and forced. I’m not ready for Christmas. But as we all remember from our youthful frolics at Hide and Seek, IT always arrives with a shout of “Ready or not, here I come!” Advent is upon us, the season of preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. The second to last verse in the Bible is, and I paraphrase, “Come, Lord Jesus, Quick! Quick! Quick!” But if the final appearance of Jesus seems not to have arrived speedily, there’s no stopping the earthly holiday that celebrates his birth. Christmas is coming with break-neck speed.
So peace and joy to you this season, as we move into the season of Advent, and with barely a pause, Christmas itself. Perry Como and Bing Crosby are beginning to sing in my ear, but I am definitely not dreaming of a white Christmas. Not yet. I am dreaming of hope, which is the message of Advent. Our hearts are not ready for the birth of the prince of peace; it's too early. And so we have another season of preparation. Just as early fall prepares us for recognizing our gifts so that we can become better stewards of our blessings, and the bleak mid-winter brings Lent, the season of penitence, which prepares us for recognizing our sins so that we may bloom with new life on Easter, Advent is our time of hope. True, we’re not ready for Christmas, but we are more than ready for Advent, because our hearts and souls are craving Hope in the midst of challenge. We are preparing, a little at a time, to believe in peace here on earth. It ain't easy; just look out the window. Check your news feed. Turn on the TV. Peace on earth? Hardly. Sometimes there isn’t even peace at the family dinner table.
But I trust that peace is coming. I believe in the sovereignty of a loving God in whose hands I place my life, and the life of the world. And I believe that Love came in the form of Jesus to show us the way. I believe it even when I can't see it or feel it. That's where hope comes in. I may not yet know peace, but I pray that I may be prepared through the loving hands of God, and in the meantime, I do not give up hope. I believe in Good. I work for Good. I give myself to Good. And I will know peace.
May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all (P.S. that’s the absolute last line in the Bible).
Love and light,